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Compliance Training

IRB Mandatory Online Education Modules

For information on and access to the mandatory education on the use of human subjects in research, visit the IRB Training and Education webpage.

Animal Care Mandatory Training and Orientation

Federal regulations require persons working with animals used for teaching or research be competent to perform their assigned duties and further require that competency be documented. This requirement extends to all personnel who perform procedures on live animals. All personnel who work with laboratory animals should be familiar with the facilities and policies of the Department of Comparative Medicine.

To comply with these requirements, the Saint Louis University Animal Care Committee has authorized the Department of Comparative Medicine to develop and present a mandatory training and orientation program. The program is presented twice each month to enable project personnel to attend a session during the two-week period during which the authorization to use animals in research or teaching is under review.

IACUC Personnel and Training Portal

Mandatory Comparative Medicine Biohazard Training

Laboratory personnel listed on an Animal Use Protocol involving a biohazardous agent must attend either ABSL2 or ABSL2/3 Facility training or Work Practices of ABSL2/3/Select Agent Training depending on the assigned Biosafety level of the agent or agents being used.

Visit the Comparative Medicine Training Website

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training for Students, Fellows, and Trainees

The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) require that all graduate and undergraduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and trainees supported by research funds from NIH or NSF must complete training in Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR). Information on Saint Louis University policy requirements for RCR required online training, and RCR workshop schedule (and registration) can be found on the RCR website. 

Visit the RCR Website

Conflict of Interest Education Sessions

Conflict of Interest Education Sessions are provided to Saint Louis University schools and colleges throughout the year. In addition, an online education module for conflict of interest is being developed. For additional information on in-person or online education sessions on conflict of interest, contact the Conflict of Interest Manager at

Visit the Conflict of Interest Website

Environmental Health and Safety Training Sessions

Saint Louis University is committed to providing a healthy environment where research activities requiring hazardous materials, such as biohazards, chemicals and radioactive materials, can be used effectively and safely.

In compliance with federal and state regulations and to provide a safe working environment at Saint Louis University, we continually provide laboratory-related safety training and orientation modules throughout the year.

Visit the EHS Training Website

Effort Reporting Education Sessions

Effort Reporting Education Sessions are provided to Saint Louis University schools and colleges throughout the year. For additional information on in-person educational sessions or to schedule a session for your department, contact the sponsored programs coordinator at 314-977-4219.